Causes of Infertility In Women

Age is an important factor in female sub-fertility.Increasing age reduces fertility in women and also the likelihood of successful treatment.Even in a younger woman, a depleted ovarian reserve will reduce natural fertility.

  • Gynaecological conditions-ovulation failure-oligomenorrhoea or amenorrhoea, tubal damage, cervical mucous defects, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, etc.
  • Coital infrequency and poor timing.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Pelvic infection(current or past).
  • Current medical illness like Tuberculosis.
  • Tubal block.
  • Anovulation.
  • Pelvic Imflammatory disease.
  • Associated pathology ,e.g, fibroids, endometriosis.

What is the process for female fertility testing?

On first visit to the gynaecologist a routine check-up is done to rule out harmonal imbalanace e.g., excessive hair growth on face & upper chest & obesity. A gentle pelvic examination is done.

A detailed menstrual history is taken & fertile days are explained to the couple.

It is common for the fertility specialists to perform the following tests:

Harmonal Evaluation : This is done on 2nd day of periods.

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) : This test tells us about the uterine cairty & the patency of fallopian tubes.

Hysteroscopy : uterine cairty & both tubal ostia can be seen under magnification operative hysteroscopy can be used for

  • Submucous myoma
  • Tubal Canulation for ostial block
  • endometrial polyps
  • septate uterus correction
  • T-shaped cairty of uterus

Laparoscopy : Your physician will be checking for endometriosis, scar tissue, or other adhesions. Operative laparoscopy is used for removal of fibroid uterus (myomectomy), chocolate cysts, adhesiolysis & ovarian drilling for polycystic ovaries.