What is menorrhagia?

Menorrhagia is the medical term for excessive menstrual bleeding. About 1 in 5 women suffer from this condition.

Causes of menorrhagia

Many conditions can cause menorrhagia, which is most common between ages 35 and 45. A complete gynecological evaluation should look for the following possible causes:

  • Uterine fibroids
  • uterine abnormalities such as polyps
  • hormonal problems
  • thyroid problems
  • blood clotting disorders
  • Lower back pain.fortunately, menorrhagia is rarely a sign of cancer

Possible treatments for menorrhagia

Treatment may have to be directed at identified causes such as surgery for fibroids or treatment of thyroid disorders. When no cause has been identified, the following treatments are possible:

Use of birth control pills

  • D & C (dilatation and curettage). This is often offered to rule out endometrial pathology & to provide treatment in few cases of endometrial hyperplasia.
  • Hysterectomy Removal of uterus & cervix is advisable in case of fibroids & suspected malignancy. Removal of ovaries is recommended often the age of 45 years.
  • Endometrial Ablation This is when a procedure is done just to the uterine lining to destroy most of it