Obstetrics: Obstetrics (from the Latin obstare, "to stand by") is the surgical specialty dealing with the care of a woman and her offspring during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (the period shortly after birth). Most obstetricians are also gynaecologists.

As soon as you know you're pregnant, make an appointment with your doctor. Your first prenatal visit will provide information that can be used to check for any problems as your pregnancy progresses.

Good care during pregnancy includes regularly scheduled prenatal check-up. At each prenatal visit, you'll be weighed, have your abdomen measured, and have your blood pressure and urine checked.



First prenatal visit check-up and tests include a health history, physical examination, and blood and urine tests.

First-trimester check-up and tests may include fetal ultrasound, which uses reflected sound waves to provide an image of your fetus and placenta. The late first trimester is the earliest time when you can have the newer, noninvasive Down syndrome screening using a blood test and an ultrasound measurement of fetal neck (nuchal fold) thickness.

Second-trimester check-up and tests may include fetal ultrasound and electronic fetal heart monitoring. In the early second trimester, you can have the triple or quadruple screen.



If you have Rh negative blood, you may have an antibody screen and will receive an injection of Rh immune globulin.

Third-trimester check-up and tests may include fetal ultrasound, & Pelvic assessment at 37 weeks.

All pregnant women should be screened for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection to help prevent newborn HIV infection.